Thursday, May 21, 2009


The department graduation is tomorrow evening and will mark the end of the semester for me. What began with about 40 graduates and 250 audience members is now 85 graduates and 750 audience members. It's become an important ritual for the department, although I'm wondering if we shouldn't scale it back next year. Go with the trend of living more simply and reducing our carbon footprint.

Graduation marks the beginning for the students as they leave the university and launch off on their career paths--which may involve additional time in school, traveling, or turning an internship into a full-time job. These are difficult economic times; I hope the university has given students what they need to succeed.

The end of the spring term also means I need to turn my attention to the summer session. So I'll start checking my class email regularly and post a few time to this blog before the session begins.

I didn't teach any classes at SJSU in the spring, so I'm looking forward to getting back in the classroom.

~ Professor Cyborg

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