Tuesday, January 15, 2008

universal design workshop

Plenty of blogging activity yesterday and today, likely due to our shortened week. I was busy today in the first of a three-day workshop on universal design for the classroom. The workshop focuses on making course accessible for all students. Often, adapting course materials for students with dis/abilities benefits others in the class. For example, workshop facilitators recommended putting syllabi and other handouts online for students using screen readers to download. Having such materials readily available online is a great help to all students.

I was really interested in Kurzweil 3000, a software program that helps students view and take notes on class readings. One feature allows students to highlight different parts of the text--such as main points and vocabulary terms--in different colors and then download that highlighted material in a separate document. This is a great study tool for all students.

Chapter 11 in the text underscores the importance of integrity in organizations. SJSU is at the forefront of the CSU Accessible Technology Initiative designed to "to ensure that each CSU campus follows state and federal laws mandating access to technology as well as to ensure a culture of inclusive learning." What's important about this statement is the last part--inclusive learning. ATI isn't about following the rules; it's about developing a learning environment that includes all students. ATI provides a good example of working with integrity and mindful communication (which several of you have blogged about this week).

More about your blogs soon . . . .

--Prof. Cyborg

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