Saturday, May 31, 2008

class launched, students notified

I'm beginning to figure out why things might get a bit complex blogging in two classes. I know what I've written in each class, but most of my students won't know (unless they're in both classes or take the time to read both blogs). So my COMM 110 students know my latest complaint about blackboard and eCampus, but not my 144 students. If you're interested, go to the 110 blog to find out.

Although mySJSU was supposed to be offline until tomorrow at noon, I check it today and was able to access my classes. I sent the welcome message via mySJSU and the notifier function for each class roster. This will give students a few days to prepare for the class, review the website, purchase the text, and the like.

A great organizational communication Pardon My Planet comic today. Check it out at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website and select today's date. The boss says to the subordinate, "The whole company is like family, my boy. So we'll expect to see you here on Thanksgiving and Christmas." Many companies like to promote the family metaphor as a way to suggest that everyone is happy and productive, yet there are many negative aspects of this metaphor. What might be some of the downsides of an organization that's like a family?

Looking forward to the start of the summer session on Monday morning.

--Professor Cyborg

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